Spray Foam Proof

Spray Foam Proof Although spray foam insulation has received negative reviews for being “dangerous” or “ineffective” in recent years, all of those claims have been the result of user error or misunderstandings.  Spray foam insulation is the safest insulating material for your home and most cost effective too. It has many benefits, but this post is … Continued

Remodel Arizona Home

When looking to remodel your home, you should always start with the basics. Sit down and write a wish list and a budget. From there you can start putting a plan together.  When considering a list of potential projects for a remodel, there are often obvious choices, like the kitchen or bathrooms. These are both … Continued

DIY (Don’t Insulate Yourself)

Although the new trend of tackling all home projects on your own is gaining momentum, you should be cautious with certain improvements.  Painting a room, or building a plantar box in the back yard are great opportunities to improve your home yourself with out breaking the bank or ruining your home. These projects allow you … Continued