Almost every heating and cooling system needs duct work to carry the conditioned air to your home. Duct work is typically either made of flexible tubing or made of sheet metal. In Arizona, more often than not, a home’s duct system is located in the attic space where temperatures reach up to 140 degrees in the summer. If there are leaks in your supply ducts, 10%-30% of conditioned air is potentially leaking into either your attic, walls, or in between your floors. This means that your home is not receiving the adequate amount of cooling. It also forces you to set your thermostat to a lower temperature, which uses more energy, and in the long run, costs more money. This can also contribute to certain rooms in your home being hotter or cooler than others.  Duct seals are the solution.

We can test and inspect your entire duct system for any areas that are under performing, that could be causing comfort issues in your home. Some common issues that we see during the duct leakage and inspection include:

Duct work that was never connected when the home was built contributes to hot rooms.

Duct work that was never installed properly from the initial HVAC contractor.

Duct work that had previously been improperly sealed with duct tape or other improper methods.

Duct work that was never sealed when the home was built, allowing conditioned air to cool the attic.

Another thing to keep in mind is that when your return is leaky and drawing air in from your attic, it is also drawing in dust, debris, and any harmful particles. It compromises your indoor air quality, and contributes to excessive dust in your home.  Contact us if you are interested in duct seals. Or if you would like a comprehensive energy audit that includes a duct work assessment call us today!