Injection Foam Insulation

Insulation plays a major role in determining the comfort and energy performance of a home. However, many older homes (and poorly designed newer homes) do not have good insulation in walls, especially those made of block, concrete, brick, etc. Although your attic should be the first insulation choice, it is a great idea to consider injection foam for your walls.

Injection Foam Insulation

If you are interested in installing injection foam, there are a few things you should know. The type of injection foam is dependent on the material of the wall. The spacing and size of the studs is crucial information for proper installation. And ensuring the correct hole placement for an effective fill.

Thus, having a knowledgeable, experienced insulation contractor is imperative if you want a quality, well-functioning home with even temperatures throughout. We conduct all insulation installations in-house to ensure that this critical building component is up to our rigorous standards.  In conclusion, if you have questions about the insulation in your walls and are considering starting a project contact us to set up a free estimate!